TAVA NEWS &Announcements

Identity and Politics
Since before even Albert Cashier, an American soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War, transgender service members and veterans have been a part of not only the fabric of our rich military history, but also our American History.

Veterans sue VA for Gender-Confirmation Surgery
Today, the Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA) filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) seeking an order that the VA act on TAVA’s 2016 rulemaking petition for gender-confirmation surgery. Nearly eight years since TAVA submitted its rulemaking petition asking the VA to provide this essential and lifesaving medical care, and more than two years since Secretary McDonough pledged to make this care available, the VA has failed to act. The VA’s delay endangers the health and well-being of many of the nation’s 163,000 transgender veterans. It also violates the VA’s legal obligations.

Transgender Day of Visibility
In celebration of TDOV, and the approximately 163,000 trans+ veterans we represent, we ask that you consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA)

Covenant Presbyterian School Tragedy
Our hearts go out to the Covenant Presbyterian School community. Students, educators, parents, siblings, neighbors. The senseless and preventable violence that occurred in Nashville on Monday is detestable.

December TAVA Update

Veterans Day TAVA-thon

Puerto Rico: From Scary to Enchantment
In Puerto Rico, we have a very complex culture as we have European, African, and Caribbean Taino influences everywhere you look in the country. Along with that complexity, you have a very conservative Roman-Catholic foundation and a new mix of American culture coming into the island changing further the dynamics in the island. With how beautiful the island is, it’s easy to see why all these diverse people would come to the “Isla del Encanto” or “The Island of Enchantment”.

October 11th, 2022 is National Coming Out Day and Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA) will be hosting A TELETHON starting at NOON EST. TAVA will be checking in via Facebook Live across 24 hours with the goal of raising $5,000.

TAVA News: Let’s Welcome New Leadership

TAVA Tour: Minneapolis
Good Morning from Minneapolis VAMC. At about 10:15 today, I will be doing a live Facebook Broadcast from 38th and Chicago in Minneapolis. There is a George Floyd mural there that I would like to stand beside and pay my respects.

Sioux Falls VAMC
I am currently sitting in the cafeteria of the Sioux Falls VAMC. I’ll be in the facility until 2 PM. Reach out to me if you would like to meet up while I am here.

Dollar For Dollar Match!
One of our Veterans has kindly offered to match DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR donations to TAVA up to $500.00.

Welcome New Board Members
Join us in welcoming four new members to the board of TAVA: Zora Thomas, Stacy Lunsford, Josie Caballero, and Tayden Haile.

VA Community Care Network & Prescriptions
How has your interaction with the VAs Community Care Network been good? How about getting your VA or Community Care Network prescriptions filled?

Native Two-Spirit Leaders to meet with TAVA Board Member
Kimberly Hayes, the VCC at the Black Hills VAMC in Ft. Meade South Dakota, arranged a hugely significant meeting between TAVA’s Cassandra Williamson and native Two-Spirit leaders.